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How Sexually Transmitted Disease affect your health?

How does Sexually Transmitted Disease Affect Your Health?

 Disclaimer - This blog Is written By healthcocktail07 & its a 
 Research-Based blog.
 Healthcocktail07 is Available on Youtube and Facebook. 

Sexually Transmitted Diseases- In a Simplified Way

यौन संचरण रोग / गुप्तांग में होने वाले रोग.

STDs are the most common disease in India
& one of the major causes of this - 
- Lack of sex education and personal hygiene guidance after intercourse. 
STDs are communicable in nature 
(एक से दूसरे में फैलने वाला रोग )
Mostly affects the lower strata of our society & they suffer more from this illness. 

STDs are not Uncurable but Due to Lack of Adequate Guidance to Society and Proper treatment and Society's Stigma.
Because of All this Fear, People didn't visit hospitals And didn't share with others (inferiority complex )
Improper Knowledge & Social stigma & improper treatment make STDs incurable.

STDs affect almost all Age groups from Newborns to Adults & May cause Death Sometimes Because of Sepsis and Organ failure.
Not All STDs are serious and life-threatening they just need observational care with supportive medical care & personal hygiene.

Related Term - Absistance / Outcourse / sex / Coitus / Intercourses / STI / RTI.
Older name - Venereal disease 
which means any disease that spreads from falling in love.
venereal is a Latin word Venereus, which means The Roman Goddess of Love. 
Infections that spread by sexual activity like Vaginal intercourse, Rectal intercourse, and oral intercourse. 

Transmission agent  (रोग का फैलना )

Agent May be bacteria, viruses & fungi.
Men and women have different bacteria/viruses,
Fungi in their Anal/ Oral / Vagina route. 
So according to Bacteria/viruses diseases will be different.
Coitus other vaginal route is called Unnatural Coitus ( अप्राकृतिक सेक्स ) / Outcourses.
Un-natural Coitus  (अप्राकृतिक सेक्स ) is Not New , already mention in Old litrature. 

Research Center for STDs-

  • National Institute for Communicable Diseases Now 
  • ( NCDC) National center for disease control in Delhi 
  • CDC- Center for communicable disease  USA. CDC developed an app for guidance for sexual diseases. link for app Provider Resources (
  • NACO National AIDS Control Organization has STI / RTI Clinic ( Suraksha Clinic )  All over India.
  • Suraksha Clinic is open in a civil hospital for treatment and counseling purposes.
  • image Suraksha clinic 

Common STDs- 

  • HIV / AIDS 
  • Syphilis
  • Gonorrhea 
  • Genitalia Herpes 
  • Trichomoniasis
  • HPV ( human papilloma virus )
  • Chancroid
  • scabies 
  • Tinea Crusris 
  • PIDs
  • Hepatitis
  • Candidiasis 
  • UTi
Common Disease names are mentioned here for both males and female 
For more details, one can go through google for pictures and signs and symptom 

How One can know He / She Suffered from STDs.

  1. Sign and symptoms 
  2. Clinical examination 
  3. Blood investigation 
  4. Other Tests for Disease identification (after doctor consultation )

Keep in mind - If there is- 

The pus-filled (मवाद भरा ) structure in the groin area & mostly over the penis.
Ulcer (छाला ) in the groin area 
Blister over the oral area  (मुँह के ऊपर छाले)
Severe Itching in the Groin region 
( कमर के क्षेत्र में गंभीर खुजली )
Discharge mix with Urine ( पेशाब के साथ निकलना )
Pus or Blood or jelly-like 
Any wound recurrent or not healing (घाव ठीक नहीं हुआ)
Burning Micturition  (पेशाब में जलन)
Have foul smell from pus or discharge (मवाद या स्राव से दुर्गंध आना)

Common Test For STD / STI / RTI.

  • VDRL - Venereal disease Research Laboratory test ( commonly for syphilis )
  • SWAB Test 
  • Urine Test

Common Precautions To Prevent STDs- 

  • Try To Wash the area as soon as possible 
  • Use Precautions During & after coitus.
  • Always wash the groin area after intercourse
  • Use fresh needles and septic technique during hospitalization 
  • stop playing with multi-partner ( polyamorous
  • Use antibacterial to wash the groin area
If  a pregnant lady is positive for STDs  then proper treatment, Under the doctor's observational care to prevent transmission to the baby 

Every pregnant woman must be screened for STDs During ANC Visits during pregnancy.

Ayurvedic Aspect - 

STDs are also mentioned in ayurvedic literature As 
यौन संचरण रोग / गुप्तांग में होने वाले रोग
Aacharya also categorizes them 
  • According to Area, they belong ( क्षेत्र )
  • According to their structure ( संरचना )
  • According to lakshna (लक्षण )
  • According to the medium by they spread ( किसके माध्यम से वे फैलते हैं )

Disease are categorise as Nij  निज & Aagantuj आगंतुक
Nij - caused by internal factors inside the body like Dosha's 
Aagantuj - caused by external factors like parasites ( जंतु )
So as per ayurveda STDs are Aagantuj / parasites ( जंतु ) Born.

Precautions to be used for STDs  - 

  • Follow Brahmacharya ब्रह्मचर्य 
  • Do KSHOR karma  क्षौर कर्म
   (क्षौर कर्म - Cut   Hair / Nail / Mustchage 
   Every 15 days)
  •  Use Rasayan  रसायन 
(One can use Rasyan for daily purposes to maintain health.Rasayan also indicated as per Disease)
  • Perform Yoga 
  • Prakshalan (प्रक्षालन ) To wash with medicated substance
  • Sitz Bath
  • Use Pichu  (पिचु ) Pichu are Medicated Cotton. 
  • Circumcision  (खतना )
As per ayurvedic text, as disease names are named, they may or may not relate clinically to modern diseases in signs and symptoms. so we have to use YUKTI. (युक्ति )

Thank you if you like then share and if any suggestions then comments 


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