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बीएएमएस के बाद विकल्प (Carrier after BAMS)

In This Blog, We Tell you About Both Govt and Pvt Job. 
As Compare To govt sector, the private sector is vast and Full of Opppertinuty. 
Some Courses Are New And Emerging For you. You Can Do As Per your Interest. 
We Have Listed a List of Certificate And PG Diplomas. 

image source - google carrier google image

Carrier Option - 
1.  as an RMO In a hospital.   
2.   Can do PG Diploma in YOGA AND NATUROPATHY.
3.   Can do a Diploma in PANCHAKARMA THERAPY
4.   Can do MD / MS / Ph.D. / AMO / CHO (GOVT JOB ) 
5.   Can do a Diploma in Medical Writing 
6.   Can do Post Graduate Diploma in Health Insurance and Risk Management 

From Medvarsity Online University -
7.   Can do a Certificate in Gynecology and Obstetrics Essential from Medvarsity.
8.    Can do a Certificate in Gastroenterology Essential from Medvarsity 
9.    Can do a Certificate in Diabetic Mellitus Essential from Medvarsity 
10.   Can do a Certificate in Cardiology Essential from Medvarsity 
11.   Can do a Certificate in Pediatric Emergency Essential from Medvarsity 
12.   Can do a Certificate in Trauma Management Essential from Medvarsity 
13.   Can do a Certificate in Covid19 Management Essential from Medvarsity 
14    Can do BHA / MHA / PGDHM / PGDPH.
15    Can do PG Diploma in Clinical  Research
16    Can do Diploma and Fellowship in Skin Cosmetology 
17    Can do a Diploma in Medicolegal Cases ( as a Consultant ) 
18    Can do a Certificate in writing for Scientific Publication and Clinical Research 
19    Can do a Certificate in Medico Marketing and Social Media Writing 
20.   Can do a Certificate in writing for Consumer Health and Patient Education 
21    Can do a Certificate Course in Sexual and Venereal Disease
22    Can do PG diploma in Emergency Medicine. 
23    Can do PG diploma in Orthopedics and Rehabilitation. 
24    Can do PG diploma in Mental Health
25    Can do a PG diploma in Nutrition and Dietetics
26    Can do a PG diploma in Data Science (Digital Health) 
27    Can do Advance Certificate in Covid 19 & Pulmonary Essential 
28.   Can do a Certificate in Covid 19 and Critical Care Essential 
29.   Can  do a Certificate in Infection Prevention and Control Essential 
30.   Can do a certificate Course From Rashtriya Ayurveda Vidyapeeth

Various diploma courses are run by CCIM. Listed below
31.    Can do
  • PG Diploma in Panchakarma 
  • Kshar karma 
  •  Kshar Sutra 
  • Ayurvedic Pharmaceutic 
  • Twaak Rog 
  • Swasthavarrita and Yoga 
  • Prasuti Evam Strirog (DGO) 
  •  Balrog 
  •  Dravya Gun 
  •  Manasik  Swasthya 
  • Netraroga Vigyan 
  • Rasayan and Vajikaran   
  • Ayurvedic Sangyahara 
  •  Chaya and Vikiran Vigyan 
  •  Marma Avaum Asthi Chikitsya 
  • Rog Nidan Vigyanam
32.  Certificate Course in Ayurveda- 
  • Cultivation of Medicinal plant 
  • Ayurvedic Beauty Therapy
  • Garbh Sanskar ( University of Lucknow )
33.  Diploma in Hospital Waste Management 
34.  Diploma in Ayurvedic Tricology And  Aesthetic Medicine (Various Institute ) 
35.  Diploma In Ophthalmic Technology 
36.  Diploma And Certificate in Leech Therapy
37.   Diploma In Special Education 
  •  ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder)
38. Diploma In Sports Medicine In Ayurveda 
39. Certificate course in Drug De-addiction Counselling ( Various Institute)
40  Certificate Course In Bhoot Vidya ( BHU) 
41. Certificate Course In Dry Needling / HIJMA
42. Certificate and Diploma In NAADI PARIKSHA  
Can Get Online Certification from ICMR
Under NIN MODULE Part of POSHAN ABHIYAN To Update Knowledge In Various Aspects of medical 

These are a Few Courses you An Try For your Better Future and Earnings.
For more, you can Earn Online Certification In Various Subject And Advance Certificate Online Free, And Paid from ICMR /AYUSH DEPT. / UDAMY / COURESERA / TECH MAHINDRA SMART ACADEMY/UNIVERSITY / SYMBIOSIS.

Subscribe to healthcocktail07 ( ON BLOG AND YOUTUBE )  FOR FURTHER topics.


Anonymous said…
Thanks for Sharing sir
Anonymous said…
Helpful 👍
Anonymous said…
Thank you sir😊
Anonymous said…
Rahul Nain said…
Helpful nature
Anonymous said…
From where we can pursue DGO and how?

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