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HEALTH AND AYURVEDA @ healthcocktail07

Disclaimer - this blog is for general awareness.
this blog talk about general treatment for health from Ayurveda science.
Health For All. 
promote the traditional system of medicine.

image source- google ayurveda 

Health is a major concern today either mentally or physically being fit is a major task for everyone. for such kind of problem, Ayurveda is an option. In this busy era of science, we need to evaluate ourselves with time to resolve our health issue 

 As an emerging science Ayurveda is an option with modern technology and old texture. 

 Ayurveda is not limited to just churn (चूर्ण )and kwath (क्वाथ ).it's more than our knowledge as a common man prospectus.

Thinking About Ayurveda & listen to Ayurveda Tales is another thing but going through the treatment and course is a different thing. 

As a full disease course, Ayurveda is a blessing for most chronic disorders like Osteoarthritis / Rheumatic Arthritis / GOUT / LBA (low back ache ) पीठ के निचले हिस्से में दर्द

One of the best treatments in Ayurveda is panchakarma पंचकर्म (Vamana / virechen /basti/Nasya etc.).

Ayurveda treatment is preferred over other treatments in case of body rejuvenation पुनर्जीवित.

 If u think of body rejuvenation then think of Ayurveda treatment 

various special procedure is mentioned in Ayurveda for body rejuvenation. Various panchakarma centers and clinics opened in our city, nearby you that offered, 

The national eminent institute is open for Ayurveda i.e All India Institute of Ayurveda science offers special and ancient Ayurveda treatment.

thank u 

jai Ayurveda 

Ayurveda science for all

its our responsibility to promote our traditional health system & make Ayurveda for all . 


Birendra said…
Very good sahab❤️
Unknown said…
Good ..
Very good meri jaanu
Thanks for(AYURVEDA)
Unknown said…
Unknown said…
Super duper hit
Unknown said…
Very Nicely explained Dr. Manish
Unknown said…
Very helpful thank you so much sir 🙏🙏
Unknown said…
It's very nice opening
Unknown said…
Jai Ayurveda 🔥 I hope this article will change those thinkers who thinks it's limit only with kwath and churna
Unknown said…
It's very nicely bhai
Dimple said…
Thanku sir ✌️ jai Ayurveda

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