Public Health Cadre for Ayush & its benefit Ayush fraternity from healthcocktail07 ✌✌ Disclaimer - it's for just knowledge, for further deep understanding goes through google. healthcocktial07 is a blogging and youtube channel for medical education and clinic case. image source - google - public health management cadre for ayush GOI India built a platform to upgrade ayush & framed a structure the same for AYUSH doctors at the department level/state level/district level / UTs in the Public health management cadre. Health is a STATE list matter. The center and state can take necessary action to serve people's Health. As we can see various schemes are implicated by the center or state or by both contributions. broadly speaking public order like health fall in a state list but the center can guide to state over this. Health is a broad term. Health definition varies and changed accordingly. Health includes Physical Health...
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