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Showing posts from February, 2023

Public Health Cadre for Ayush & its benefit Ayush fraternity from healthcocktail07

Public Health Cadre for Ayush & its benefit Ayush fraternity  from healthcocktail07  ✌✌ Disclaimer - it's for just knowledge, for further deep understanding goes through google. healthcocktial07 is a blogging and youtube channel for medical education and clinic case.  image source - google - public health management cadre for ayush GOI India built a platform to upgrade ayush & framed a structure the same for AYUSH doctors at the department level/state level/district level / UTs in the Public health management cadre.  Health is a STATE list  matter.  The center and state can take necessary action to serve people's Health. As we can see various schemes are implicated by the center or state or by both contributions.  broadly speaking public order like health fall in a state list but the center can guide to state over this. Health is a broad term. Health definition varies and changed accordingly.  Health includes  Physical Health...

Survey On Ayush Treatment

Survey On Treatment acceptance of Ayush and Ayush + Allopathic treatment ( mixopathy ) (सर्वे एलोपैथिक + आयुष और आयुष इलाज पर ) image source -  google Treatment rate of Ayush and Ayush with Allopathic treatment. How people accepted both with time.  As India progress with its new economic policy and new health policy. it boosts the employment sector  a unique opportunity is there. New courses and job openings there. it provided better options for people to choose treatment from different science. NSSO India conduct a survey to show people's interest in Ayush and Allopathic Treatment  This survey was done by NSS ( NATIONAL SAMPLE SURVEY ) the survey includes those people who were ill for the last 15 days. 71st round in 2014 named as - Social consumpation health  75th round  in 2017-2018 named as - Household consumption health  The survey involved mostly OPD patients.  inpatient acceptance is very low. Survey report in 2014 -  Only  6.43 % ...

बीएएमएस के बाद विकल्प (Carrier after BAMS)

In This Blog, We Tell you About Both Govt and Pvt Job.  As Compare To govt sector, the private sector is vast and Full of Opppertinuty.  Some Courses Are New And Emerging For you. You Can Do As Per your Interest.  We Have Listed a List of Certificate And PG Diplomas.  image source - google  carrier google image Carrier Option -  1.  as an RMO In a hospital.    2.   Can do PG Diploma in YOGA AND NATUROPATHY. 3.   Can do a Diploma in PANCHAKARMA THERAPY 4.   Can do MD / MS / Ph.D. / AMO / CHO (GOVT JOB )  5.   Can do a Diploma in Medical Writing  6.   Can do Post Graduate Diploma in Health Insurance and Risk Management  From Medvarsity Online University - 7.   Can do a Certificate in Gynecology and Obstetrics Essential from Medvarsity. 8.    Can do a Certificate in Gastroenterology Essential from Medvarsity  9.    Can do a Certificate in Diabetic...

Ayurveda Science Kaise Kaam Krta h (आयुर्वेद विज्ञान कैसे काम करता है )

Ayurveda Kaise Kam Krta h @healthcocktail07 (आयुर्वेद कैसे काम करता है) disclaimer - for general public & students. image source google - ayuvrda tridoshsa ayuvrda tridoshsa  Ayurveda (आयुर्वेद ) is One of the Ancient Sciences. Being the Oldest Science Work is different from other Science. The mechanism is Based on TRI / THREE / 3 Dosha / त्रिदोष.  AYURVEDA IS THE RESULT OF THE REGRIOUS EFFORT OF SEVERAL DECADES OF ACHARYA. आयुर्वेद आचार्यो के कई दशक के गंभीर प्रयास का परिणाम है।  प्राचीन विज्ञानों में से एक प्राचीनतम विज्ञान होने के कारण इसका कार्य अन्य विज्ञानों से भिन्न है।     आयुर्वेद का कार्य करना  - त्रि /  तीन / 3 दोष / त्रिदोष पर आधारित है. This TRI / DOSHA /  त्रिदोष Are --- VATA - वात ,  PITTA -पित्त ,  KAPHA- कफ , Some Aacharya mention fourth dosh - RAKTH   (रक्त )/ BLOOD.  कुछ आचार्य चौथे दोष यानी रक्त  का उल्लेख करते हैं। Let's try to understand what Vata and Pitta and Kapha ( वात -पित्त-कफ...

राष्ट्रीय आयुष मिशन(NATIONAL AYUSH MISSION).

NATIONAL AYUSH MISSION  CENTER AND STATE   AYUSH INFRASTRUCTURE  AYUSH DEPARTMENT HARYANA  AYUSH HWC DISCLAIMER - CONTENT IS FOR THE GENERAL PUBLIC AND FOR GENERAL AWARENESS. AMONG STUDENTS AND STUDY LOVERS.DATA SOURCE GOOGLE. NATIONAL AYUSH MISSION Started in 2014 by the department of Ayush. now managed by the Ministery of Ayush (formed on 09/11/2014) Total scheme cost of Rs 4.603 crore till date 2016. The Center will bear 3000 crores and the rest state. Image source- google. Part Of NATIONAL AYUSH MISSION  AYUSH Wellness Center includes yoga and Naturopathy. Telemedicine  AYUSH innovation with public-private partnership IEC activity (Information, education, communication)  Voluntary certification scheme. Quality Control of ASU&H (Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani, homeopathy.) Medicinal Plant  AYUSH Healthcare service with better medicines and trained manpower. Improvement in AYUSH education by best quality AYUSH educational Institute. Reduce com...